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API specification & documentation

SD001: API documentation MUST be publicly and freely available

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • SD001.001: API specification MUST contain enough information for a competent developer to create an API implementation or an API client without further information
  • SD001.002: API specification MAY refer to other specifications to cover elements
  • SD001.003: API specification MUST cover identification and authentication of people, organizations, and machines
    • This does not only apply to the technical standards and specifics used to authenticate entities but also to the identifying attributes that are used and how to obtain and secure them to create a network of trust.
  • SD001.004: API specification MUST cover authorization/access control
    • This does not only apply to the technical standards and specifics used to authorize access to APIs, but also to the semantics of access tokens and requests for access tokens, such as the permitted values for permissions (OAuth2 scopes) and expiration requirements.
  • SD001.005: API specification MUST cover protecting integrity and confidentiality
    • This applies to any specifics on protecting integrity and confidentiality at both transport and message levels, including specifics on the cryptographic algorithms, key distribution and PKIs used.
  • SD001.006: API specification MUST cover addressing
    • This applies to specifics on addressing API endpoints and mechanisms used to distribute (updates to) addresses.
  • SD001.007: API specification MUST cover content encoding
    • This applies to specifics on content encoding such as the compression algorithms used and character encoding.
  • SD001.008: API specification MUST cover content formatting
    • Specifics on content formatting such as the use of MTOM/XOP and BSON but also healthcare-specific (data) formats.
  • SD001.009: API specification MUST cover exchange patterns and exchange paradigms used
  • SD001.010: API specification MUST cover API signature and semantics
    • All actions (methods) that are available through the API MUST be covered, as well as the legitimate data structures return (error) codes (the API signature), Including a full specification of all API requests and responses.
  • SD001.011: API specification MUST cover use cases
    • How to (and how not to) use the API in specific use cases.
  • SD001.012: API specification MUST cover references to other specifications
    • Most specifications reuse other specifications such as RFCs created by IETF or W3C or Dutch information standards created by Nictiz.
  • SD001.013: API documentation MUST be freely available and accessible via a public website
  • SD001.014: API documentation MAY refer to paid content published by standardization organizations
  • SD001.015: Access to API documentation MAY require free registration
  • SD001.016: API documentation MAY be copyright protected
  • SD001.017: Distribution of API documentation without explicit permission of the API specifier MAY be restricted

SD002: API documentation MUST provide examples of how to use the API

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • SD002.001: API documentation MUST include examples for the most common use cases
  • SD002.002: API documentation MUST clearly express the value of the API (for API client developers and API users) within the context of the most common use cases
  • SD002.003: When a use case involves integration of two or more APIs, API documentation MUST provide examples of how to use these APIs in collaboration

SD003: API documentation SHOULD provide examples of input and output data

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • SD003.001: Documentation for all API methods SHOULD contain examples of input and output data, using a supported data format such as JSON or XML
  • SD003.002: When the API server developer includes an SDK for easy access to the API, code samples MUST be provided for using the API through the SDK

SD004: API documentation SHOULD include a FAQ page for API client developers

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • SD004.001: A FAQ SHOULD be made available for developers that want to use the API(s)
  • SD004.002: The FAQ SHOULD be written in an actual question-and-answer format
  • SD004.003: Questions and answers SHOULD be written from the point of view of the API client developer
  • SD004.004: Questions SHOULD include the most common problems and misconceptions that API client developers run into when using the API

SD005: API documentation MAY specify cases in which API usage is not applicable

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • SD005.001: API documentation MAY include cases in which API usage is not applicable or not supported
  • SD005.002: When cases exist in which API usage is not applicable or not supported, API documentation MUST clearly state whether using the API in this way violates the API license agreement

SD006: API server developers and deployers MAY be active on developer forums to assist API client developers and deployers with the correct usage of APIs

Using developer forums, experts can provide resolutions to common hiccups and increase participation and interest for API client developers.

Applicable roles API server developer, API server deployer
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • SD006.001: Server developers and deployers MAY be (are encouraged to be) active participants on relevant developer forums
  • SD006.002: Solutions to problems provided through a developer forum MAY be provided without prejudice
  • SD006.003: API documentation MAY refer to developer forums for knowledge sharing and assistance
  • SD006.004: API server developers and deployers MAY provide their own developer forum

SD007: API server developers MAY provide API client developers an SDK for easy access to deployed APIs

Applicable roles API server developer
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • SD007.001: If an SDK is provided, it MUST be documented to the extent that a competent developer has sufficient information to make use of the SDK without further information
    • Charges for using the SDK are accepted.
  • SD007.002: If an SDK is provided, API client developers MUST NOT in any way be forced to use it
    • Any common coding language and/or development platform is accepted.

SD008: API specifications SHOULD be machine readable and allow for automated code generation

Using machine-readable API specification allows for automated code generation and hence saves time and avoids errors when writing API client code.

Applicable roles API server developer
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • SD008.001: API server developers SHOULD provide machine-readable API specifications based on international standards
    • Such as OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger) and/or FHIR StructureDefinitions/OperationDefinitions.

SD009: API documentation MUST be published in English

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • SD009.001: API documentation MUST be available in English
  • SD009.002: Typical Dutch terminology and names of people and organizations MUST be written down in their original Dutch form
  • SD009.003: Domain concepts MUST be translated to their corresponding official English terms instead of using literal (word-for-word) translations

SD010: When documentation claims compliance to standards, specifications, guidelines and practices, policies or law, documentation MUST provide (references to) evidence to back up these claims

Examples of evidence include official compliance certificates and statements (such as IHE integration statements and Nictiz qualifications) and independent auditor reports (such as security audit reports).

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0

SD011: Content relationship MUST be described in API documentation

Some content cannot exist without its parent content. The API documentation must describe in which way the relationship is managed and used.

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0

SD012: API documentation MUST describe the availability and usage of operations

API operations can be extremely useful in specific use cases, describing the operations will make them even more useful.

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0

SD013: API versioning policy MUST be documented

The versioning of APIs and its policy must be documented in a clear manner. Use of versioning makes developing and debugging by API client developers easier.

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0

SD014: API specifications MUST cover the rationale behind the exchange paradigm used by the API

Such as described in Exchange paradigms.

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0