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API Lifecycle management and versioning

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • LM001.001: An API specifier MUST mark an API specification as deprecated (in the Dutch API library for healthcare) when it is no longer recommended for use
    • Specifications marked as deprecated are still supported but support may end soon.
  • LM001.002: An API specifier MUST mark an API specification as deprecated for a period of at least one year, before it MAY be marked retired
  • LM001.003: API server developers SHOULD replace the use of deprecated API specifications with newer versions or alternative API specifications
  • LM001.004: API server developers MUST mark API implementations as deprecated (in the Dutch API library for healthcare) when they are based on a deprecated API specification

LM002: API specifications MUST be marked retired when they are no longer supported

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • LM002.001: An API specifier MUST mark an API specification as retired (in the Dutch API library for healthcare) when it is no longer supported
  • LM002.002: API server developers MUST replace the use of retired API specifications with newer versions or alternative API specifications
  • LM002.003: API server developers MUST mark API implementations as retired when they are based on a retired API specification
Applicable roles API server developer
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • LM003.001: An API server developer MUST mark an API implementation as deprecated (in the Dutch API library for healthcare) when it is no longer recommended for use
    • Implementations marked as deprecated are still supported but support may end soon.
  • LM003.002: An API server developer MUST mark an API implementation as deprecated for a period of at least one year, before it MAY be marked retired
  • LM003.003: API server deployers SHOULD replace deprecated API implementations with newer versions or alternative API implementations
  • LM003.004: API server deployers MUST mark an API deployment as deprecated (in the Dutch API library for healthcare) when it is based on a deprecated implementation

LM004: API implementations MUST be marked retired when they are no longer supported

Applicable roles API server developer
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • LM004.001: An API server developer MUST mark an API implementation as retired (in the Dutch API library for healthcare) when it is no longer supported
  • LM004.002: API server deployers MUST replace the use of retired API implementations with newer versions or alternative API implementations
  • LM004.003: API server deployers MUST mark API deployments as retired (in the Dutch API library for healthcare) when they are based on a retired API implementation
Applicable roles API server deployer
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • LM005.001: An API server deployer MUST mark an API deployment as deprecated (in the Dutch API library for healthcare) when it is no longer recommended for use
    • Deployments marked as deprecated are still supported but support may end soon.
  • LM005.002: An API server deployer MUST mark an API deployment as deprecated for a period of at least one year, before it MAY be marked retired
  • LM005.003: API client developers SHOULD replace the use of deprecated API employments with newer versions or alternative API implementations

LM006: API deployments MUST be marked retired when they are no longer supported

Applicable roles API server deployer
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • LM006.001: An API server deployer MUST mark an API deployment as retired (in the Dutch API library for healthcare) when it is no longer supported
  • LM006.002: API client developers MUST replace the use of retired API deployments with newer versions or alternative API deployments

LM007: An API client MUST be designed to handle non-breaking changes

This includes at least the non-breaking changes described in Non-breaking changes.

Non-breaking changes are changes that cannot be expected to break a client application. Adding optional parts to an API is never considered a breaking change.

Applicable roles API client deployer
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • LM007.001: An API client MUST be designed to handle addition of new endpoints
  • LM007.002: An API client MUST be designed to handle addition of new resources or operations to existing endpoints
  • LM007.003: An API client MUST be designed to handle addition of new fields in responses
  • LM007.004: An API client MUST be designed to handle addition of new optional request fields or parameters
  • LM007.005: An API client MUST be designed to handle addition of new required request fields that have default values
  • LM007.006: An API client MUST be designed to handle addition of optional query parameters
  • LM007.007: An API client MUST be designed to handle changes to the order of fields returned within a response
  • LM007.008: An API client MUST be designed to handle addition of an optional request header
  • LM007.009: An API client MUST be designed to handle removal of redundant request header
  • LM007.010: An API client MUST be designed to handle changes to the overall response size
  • LM007.011: An API client MUST be designed to handle changes to error messages

LM008: An API specification MUST comply with Semantic Versioning specification (SemVer) version 2.0.0

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels OA, TSA, FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0