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Health Information Standards compliance

IS001: In order to be fully standardized, an API specification MUST be approved by an authoritative body

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0

IS002: In order to be fully standardized, an API implementation MUST be approved by an authoritative body during a formal testing and qualification process

An API implementation is fully standardized when it is approved by a national standardization organization, or by the national branch of an international standardization organization. Approval is given only as the result of a formal test or qualification process. Proof must be provided for any compliance claim made by the API server developer.

Applicable roles API server developer
Standardization levels FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0

IS003: All API input and output data SHOULD comply with ZIB specifications

If no ZIB specification is available that governs the contents of certain API input or output but the input or output data represents general health and care concept, the API specifier MAY submit a ZIB change request to the Nictiz ZIB centre.

Applicable roles API specifier
Standardization levels FSA
Status Final
Since version 1.0.0


  • IS003.001: API input data, such as parameters and post data, SHOULD comply with ZIB specifications where applicable
    • Applicable refers to input or output data that represents general health and care concepts.
  • IS003.002: API output data, such as resources, documents or procedure results SHOULD comply with ZIB specifications where applicable