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This specification sets out requirements for Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in Dutch Healthcare. The importance of complying with a common set of requirements and hence the value of this specification is to:

  • Promote transparency by setting clear requirements for documentation, testability, discoverability and API onboarding procedures and agreements
  • Harmonise API requirements and design between different (national) programs for Health Information Exchange and patient access to health information
  • Guarantee a certain level of quality for all APIs included in the Dutch API library for healthcare
  • Promote innovation through the availability of system data and by exposing application functionality

APIs that conform to the requirements in this specification are permitted for inclusion in the Dutch API library for healthcare. APIs that are included in the Dutch API library for healthcare are more discoverable and are likely to meet the requirements in this specification. Therefore, they meet a certain level of quality.

This specification has been developed as part of the Nictiz API strategy.

Intended audience

The intended audience for this specification is:

  • Technical users and developers
  • Policy makers